EstateSpace helping you track physical assets. One platform, everything you need to manage estates! One platform, everything you need to manage estates!
In a recent post we discussed how estate managers can utilize digital tools, specifically all-in-one solutions, to manage the day-to-day workings of their property or properties with greater efficiency and less stress. While the goal is always to keep things running like a well-oiled machine, there is the expectation that once in a while something will go awry – a new staff member doesn’t show up for work, a delivery doesn’t happen, and so on. Such issues are accepted as part of the territory and usually easily rectified. Not so, however for estate managers coordinating events for clients. Here, the stakes are exponentially higher because you have a very small window of time to pull off something spectacular. The success of a charity or political event, for example, often hinges on a myriad of details that can mean the…
No doubt about it, The role of estate managers during renovation projects is a constant juggling act. Collecting the mail, paying the household expenses and making sure the home is stocked with everything the client and their guests need is just the tip of the iceberg. You must also manage staff schedules, assist with details around travel and, more recently, ensure that COVID guidelines are being adhered to. If your tenants also happen to be landlords, you’re responsible for vetting tenants, collecting rent, and arranging for repairs. Indeed, the day-to-day pressure can be intense, and when there are renovations happening on the property it’s exponentially more so. Whether you have a lengthy client roster or are catering to one family, all-in-one solutions can help you keep all balls in the air. As an estate manager, you always need to…